What is 2015?

What is 2015?

2015 is the year we increase our game!
It is the year we train.
It is the year non-gun owners buy their first firearm.
It is the year non-shooters learn how to shoot for the first time.
It is the year we really develop our proficiency with our firearms.
It is the year that people who “think” they know how to shoot actually get some formalized training, and learn the many things they didn’t know they didn’t know!
Maybe it is the year you learn a new firearm such as the shotgun or rifle.
Maybe the year you get some hand to hand defense or edged weapons training.

This is the year we increase our game!

We will always have our golf, our tennis, our vacations, etc., etc., etc., bla, bla, bla…
But this is the year that we really excel at our firearms training!
…and it’s gonna take some work, it gonna time some of your time, it’s gonna take some of your money.
Training once a year makes you have to keep relearning the skills you lost since last time your trained.
Shooting skills like all skills are perishable skills.
To increase your game you have to be consistent with your training for a period of time, so you can continue to build and grow each time.
Once you build a solid base of firearms skills and get past the beginner level you will be able to maintain that skill level with sporadic training.
But it will take some effort to get to that level.
Next year you can go back to your golf and tennis knowing you have a solid level of firearms proficiency.

Last year I was given the nickname “The Wedding Planner”.
Made me laugh! But I like it.
Most of you know me as the Alpha Sheep Dog.
I am willing to help all of you fellow Sheep Dogs increase your game this year. 2015 is your year!
Recently we had a group of 13 Sheep Dogs shoot the handgun match at the Escondido Fish & Game Assoc. Many were new shooters who just learned how to shoot at last year’s “1st Annual Front Sight Charity Course”.
That is just one example of how to maintain, practice, grow, and challenge your firearms handling skills.
You are all familiar with the amazing training provided by Front Sight Firearms Training Institute.
Last year I also hosted five training events at a local private 400 acre ranch.
I am also willing to host “dry practice” drills which are a WONDERFUL way to improve your skills.
I am willing to organize more trips to Front Sight this year for courses such as Two Day Handgun Skillbuilders, Two Day Handgun Advanced Tactics, Rifle course, Hand to Hand Defense, Edged Weapons, etc.

2014 was a huge year for me and the firearms industry!
-the 1st Annual Sheila Hamed Charity Handgun Course was a HUGE success.
– I launched America’s newest news sight for gun owners: www.TheShootersHangout.com
-I hosted 5 local training events.
-one of my best friends realized a lifelong dream of opening his own gun shop: www.Empoweredfirearms.com
-3 new ranges opened in San Diego county.
-we may be very close to ccw permits being available for everyone.

2015 is going be be even BIGGER!!!
There are so many great things on the horizon for 2015 I can not list them all. But 2015 is going to be huge for you, me, and the firearms industry!
So saddle up and let’s get started, because 2015 is our year we increase our game!
Don’t be a spectator, 2015 is YOUR year to participate in exciting ways!


“As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun. While this gives [only] moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise, and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun, therefore, be the constant companion to your walks.” -Thomas Jefferson

New York Times reports exhaustive survey:
1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted.
1 in 4 women will be beaten.
1 in 6 women will be stalked.
Is it now clear? Get a gun and learn how to use it! Don’t be a victim!
Men, do the same. Get a gun and learn how to use it! Protect your ladies!



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