This State Could Jail U.S. Agents Who Enforce Federal Gun Laws.

A proposal in Missouri to nullify certain federal gun control laws could actually mean jail for federal agents who try to enforce them.

The nullification legislation passed the House General Laws Committee on Thursday, the Associated Press reported, after having passed the full state Senate last month.

The bill says any federal law impeding Missourians’ Second Amendment rights is null and void. Federal agents enforcing such laws could face civil or criminal penalties up to one year in jail with a $1,000 fine.

The effort might be futile, as courts have generally ruled that states can’t nullify federal laws. However, recent court decisions have also been more friendly to the individual right to bear arms. But it’s unlikely that Missouri Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon would sign the bill, after vetoing a similar measure last year.

The Missouri bill also says that school personnel may carry concealed weapons in school buildings. The bill must still go to the House Rules Committee before moving to the floor. One provision of the bill allows concealed gun permit holders to openly carry firearms even in cities that ban open-carry.

The Second Amendment Preservation Act passed the full state Senate by a 23-10 vote, and was sponsored Republican state Sen. Brian Nieves, who believes it’s important to secure liberties, despite what a court may rule.

“I am proud to say that we have passed arguably one of the strongest Second Amendment protections in the country,” Nieves said last month after the bill passed the Senate.

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