New Study: Majority of Young People Reject Gun Control.

A new Pew Study has discovered that despite President Obama’s repeated claim that 90+% of Americans want increased gun control, the majority of millennials oppose further gun control measures.

The study reveals that millennials, those born between 1981 and 1996, largely reject the call for increased gun control 50-48 percent.

While the margin may be slim, the attitudes of this younger generation seems to closely resemble the attitudes of older generations. Roughly 49% of those polled claimed that it’s more important to protect gun rights than to foster government control over ownership.

This is quite a bold finding as the vast majority of millennials identify as Democrat or otherwise liberal. The Democrat playbook is largely predicated on the notion that young people and minorities vote Democrat. As millennials deal with an ever-expanding government coupled with few job opportunities and staggering debt, it’s likely that the traditional wisdom that to be young is to be liberal may, indeed, be changing.

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