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One final reminder: local firearms training opportunity, outdoors! (San Diego County)

Time is running out to enroll. Friends, I try never to pass up an opportunity to train. Or an opportunity to practice. I am always a student of the gun. Whether I am learning some new skills, or re-learning and reinforcing fundamentals that I may have forgotten. Or just practicing known skills to get better […]

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Local firearms training opportunity, outdoors! (San Diego County)

Time is running out to enroll. Friends, I try never to pass up an opportunity to train. Or an opportunity to practice. I am always a student of the gun. Whether I am learning some new skills, or re-learning and reinforcing fundamentals that I may have forgotten. Or just practicing known skills to get better […]

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Airsoft for Action Pistol Training.

Jeremy L “Lets be honest with ourselves here, when it comes to shooting, you get out of it what you put in. Not to get all philosophical on you guys but there are no shortcuts in life and there sure as hell aren’t any when it comes to becoming a better shooter. Before you get […]

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