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Oklahoma Senate Concurs with House: 2nd Amendment Is Your Carry Permit

“The Oklahoma Senate concurred with the House and voted to abolish the requirement that a law-abiding Oklahoma resident acquire a concealed permit in order to carry a gun for self-defense. On April 26, Breitbart News reported that the Oklahoma House overcame Democratic opposition to pass permitless carry and now the Senate has followed suit. The […]

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Florida Sheriff: 911 Not Sufficient, Must Have Concealed Firearm Holders on Campus

“Polk County, Florida, Sheriff Grady Judd says schools must be allowed to adopt a system where concealed firearms holders are on campus and can “run to the threat.” He stressed that 911 is not sufficient because the attacker is already on campus, making his presence known via violence by the time 911 is called. Judd […]

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No one would accept, in any other national discussion, the level of ignorance seen in the gun debate

” There are two certainties following nearly every mass shooting event: Cable news television will have its programming schedule set for the next 72 hours, and a significant number of gun control advocates will reveal they lack even a basic understanding of the items they wish to regulate. The first certainty is to be expected. […]

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Second Amendment Foundation Sees 1,200% Surge In Youth Membership, Donations

“The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) has seen a stunning 1,200% increase in youth membership and donations since the tragic South Florida school shooting on February 14. In reaction to the calls to raise the age limit on ownership of certain guns subsequent to the school shooting, SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb […]

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The assault weapons ban didn’t work. A new version won’t, either

“There is no denying that the AR-15 — an open-source, modular weapon platform that’s the fruit of many tens of billions of private and public dollars in small arms research and almost six decades of innovation — is the most easy to use and one of the most lethal guns available to civilians. Those of […]

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New Assault Weapons Ban for Pistols And Shotguns

“( It is no secret that Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I) is no fan of guns. After the Las Vegas shooting, he introduced a bill to ban bump stocks. With another tragedy, he looks to gain political capital by proposing more overreaching gun bills that are doomed to fail in Congress. This tactic is what is […]

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I Wanted to Be a Good Mom. So I Got a Gun.

“A few months after my father left our family home for good, my mother heard me screaming in the middle of the night. It was the kind of scream that made her grab her rifle in one hand and some ammo in another. It was a spring night and I was sleeping with my window […]

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Crime At University Of Kansas Down After 6 Months Of Campus Carry

“Six months into a campus carry rule at the University of Kansas that liberals were sure would result in bloody gunfights and grueling body counts, the actual crime statistics are telling an altogether different story.From 2016 to 2017, crimes reported on campus went not up, but down, according to a Friday university police announcement reported […]

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Arizona would pay people to get a concealed carry permit

“At a time when some localities are doing all they can to prevent citizens from obtaining a concealed carry permit to possess a handgun, a top leader in Arizona is proposing to pay applicants to make the process easier. Republican Rep. Steve Montenegro, the House majority leader, is offering a bill to give applicants a […]

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Why the Left Won’t Win the Gun-Control Debate

“It’s too hard to persuade people to willingly surrender the right to protect their own lives. Last week I wrote a long essay in The Atlantic that represented my best effort to explain “gun culture” to those who may be more hostile to gun rights than, say, the typical reader of National Review. I began […]

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