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San Diego County Gun Owners PAC Membership **MUST READ**

I am proud to call each of you “Sheep Dogs”. Sheep Dogs don’t sit on the sidelines and let others fight for them. Sheep dogs get in the fight! My expectation is that each one of you gets in this very important fight for our gun rights. We are the ONLY organization that will restore […]

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San Diego County Gun Owners PAC Membership **MUST READ**

I am proud to call each of you “Sheep Dogs”. Sheep Dogs don’t sit on the sidelines and let others fight for them. Sheep dogs get in the fight! My expectation is that each one of you gets in this very important fight for our gun rights. We are the ONLY organization this will restore […]

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Top California official pushes ammo background checks

Published October 19, 2015 “Gun control advocates are launching a new regulatory push in California to impose first-in-the-nation instant background checks for ammunition sales, a move that comes as gun violence surfaces as a lightning rod issue in the 2016 presidential race. Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democratic candidate for governor in 2018, joined […]

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California Gun Rights Action Item! ALERT!

On October 15th, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom — who is already running for Governor in 2018 — announced a new, cynical ballot initiative that would only ensure California becomes even more extreme on the issue of restrictive gun laws. I hope you’ll join me in standing in opposition to this initiative. Here’s what the Sacramento Bee had […]

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California Looks to Take Another Big Swipe at Second Amendment With New Gun Control Proposal

by Jason Howerton “SACRAMENTO, Calif. (TheBlaze/AP) — California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom is proposing a 2016 ballot initiative that would ask voters to strengthen the state’s gun laws by restricting ammunition sales, requiring owners to turn in high capacity magazines and requiring gun owners to report lost or stolen guns to law enforcement. If adopted, […]

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California Homeowner Defends Wife by Shooting and Killing Home Invader With 911 While on the Phone

by Dan Cannon “Yet another story that shows that when seconds count, the police are only minutes away. A husband had to use deadly force to defend himself, his wife and his home from a home invader earlier this week as his wife talked to a 911 operator. According to, About 10:45 p.m., a […]

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Homeowner Who Shot ‘Pregnant’ Burglar Wont Face Charges

by Sam Cadle “Refreshing to see from the less than stellar state of California. A homeowner from Long Beach who shot and killed a burglar that pleaded with the homeowner and even tried to claim she was ‘pregnant’ before being shot. That turned out to not be true, and it is believed she was using […]

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74 Year Old Man Shoots a Man Who Was Stalking His Female Neighbor After Attack

by Dan Cannon “A 74 year old man in California was forced to use a firearm to defend himself and his neighbor over the weekend. According to the Bakersfield Californian, Ronnie Green heard a woman scream near his home and went to investigate. Green knew that one of his female neighbors had been having trouble […]

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Homeowner Grabs World War II Rifle, Shoots Drugged Out Home Invader Through Both Legs

By Matt at The Bang Switch “A California homeowner grabbed an M1 carbine and went Clint Eastwood on a drugged out home invader armed with a shard of glass. The story is brought to us by a deputy who responded to the call last night. It seems no media showed up to cover this defensive […]

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GUERRILLA TACTICS IN THE CULTURE WAR, #1: Promoting Self-Defense as a Virtue.

Written by Rob Morse on September 13, 2015 What should we do? We are in an ongoing culture war. Responsibility is out. Victimhood is in. Earning your own way is out of fashion. Demanding the government pay you is now the new normal. Freedom of speech, freedom of religious expression such as marriage, and the […]

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