AWESOME: Three Burglars Break Into House. Get DROPPED by Homeowner’s Son with AR-15…

“At the top of the leftist list of awesome things to ban sits the scary black rifle. Translated for people who know what they’re talking about: AR-15s. Lefties believe the AR was designed solely for shooting up elementary schools and giving its shooter a bad case of the PTSD, and thus shouldn’t be for sale to your average bro. Well, here’s a tale that shows just how useful one of those tactical terrors can be…

According to officials with the Wagoner County Sheriff’s Office, three masked people broke into the house through the back door with the intent of burglarizing the home.

Officials say the homeowner’s young adult son killed all three with an AR-15.

According to WaPo:

They wore gloves, masks and all-black clothes, Wagoner County Deputy Nick Mahoney told Tulsa World. Two of the teenagers were armed, one with a knife and the other with brass knuckles.

So the robbers had were prepared to get violent against anyone at home keen on defending themselves or their property. Important detail.

That guy’s old man must feel proud, knowing he has a bonafide badass for a son.

by Corey Stallings
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