BREAKING: GA House Pulls Brilliant Legislative Maneuver to Help Pass Pro Gun Bill.

Things are getting weird in Georgia. We’ve ran a couple of stories on on HB 875, the pro-gun bill in Georgia that would greatly expand carry rights, make the renewal of carry permits easier and help protect Second Amendment rights in general.

So far, the GA House has been overwhelmingly supportive of pro-gun bills. HB 875 was passed 119-56 last month in the House and went on to the Senate. However, due to some weird goings on in the Senate, it looked like the bill was set to be gutted or stalled in the Senate committee process.

The State Senate has been bad about not actually bringing up sweeping gun rights bills for floor votes the last couple of years. It looks like the House finally got tired of this nonsense and at the exact same time the Senate was holding a committee hearing on HB 875, the House voted to attach the entire language of the bill to HB 60, which is a bill that addresses judges carrying firearms.

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