Today’s gun buyers aren’t who they used to be — welcome aboard women and city folk!

The stereotypical gun owner in America is evolving.

From the rancher in Texas who sleeps with a rifle next to his bed to the Democratic female business executive in Washington, D.C. who wants to feel protected while walking home from the bus stop, the last year of gun purchases shows a new demographic of Second Amendment supporters.

Nearly four in ten of American households have guns, according to a January 2014 poll by Economist/YouGov. Thirty percent of those consider themselves Democrats while 49 percent identified as Republicans.

“Gun ownership has never been about political parties, it’s just been about personal philosophies,” author of “Emily Gets Her Gun…But Obama Wants to Take Yours,” Emily Miller, told Rare in an exclusive interview.

“We’ve seen enormous rise in new gun owners because as we’ve had this debate over the last year on gun control, people have seen gun ownership reduces crime. What we’ve seen is a quarter of all gun sales now are people who have never had a gun in their life,” Miller, senior editor of opinion at the Washington Times, added.

Among the fastest growing groups of gun owners are women. Miller said that fact is evidence of a growing number of women who want to have a means of protecting themselves that is able to physically fit into their hand and have knowledge of how to operate it.

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