Rumor Check: Are Connecticut Police Refusing to Enforce Gun Laws?

An Examiner article claims 250 law enforcement officers in Connecticut signed a petition not to enforce state laws on gun registration. But the article seems to dead-end after a five-minute internet search.

“I’m not even sure what laws they are talking about,” Lieutenant Paul Vance, spokesman for the Connecticut State Police told TheBlaze. “I like it is likely fabricated … there have been many organizations saying we are going out to seize guns – we aren’t doing that, and anything like that is totally inaccurate.”

The story gained traction when Examiner contributor Anthony Martin quoted David Hardy in a story that claims less than twenty percent of Connecticut gun owners have registered their firearms, and that the supposed protesting law enforcement officers were joining in on the “civil disobedience”:

“It is estimated that over 300,000 gunowners have practiced civil disobedience in refusing to register and give up the newly forbidden items. Only roughly 50,000 citizens in the state have complied.

But now these courageous citizens have key support in high places. With at least 250 law enforcement officers joining them in disobeying an unconstitutional law, the gunowners have a new weapon in their arsenal — the support of hundreds of police officers.”

 The Examiner article also quoted a post by Hardy (from, which claims a representative from a nearly untraceable organization had a “major” story coming out soon:

“A major news story on these developments is due to be published soon, but Hardy received an advanced notice via email from Tyler Jackson, the head of the Connecticut Peace Officers Association, the organization that sent the open letter.”

“I’ve never heard of ‘em,” Chief Jack Daly, President of the Connecticut State Police Chief’s Association, told TheBlaze.

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