Connecticut Officer Reportedly Placed on Leave Over This Facebook Comment to Gun Owner.

A Connecticut officer with the Branford Police Department has reportedly been placed on extended leave pending the outcome of an internal investigation after he allegedly told a Facebook user he couldn’t wait to “bang down your door and come for your gun.”

Connecticut resident John Cinque, whose passionate remarks to lawmakers on the state’s new gun registration laws went viral, provided screenshots of a Facebook conversation involving Officer Joseph Peterson to the conservative blog Freedom Outpost. The officer is reportedly a “long-time friend” of Cinque’s.

The heated debate reportedly began over Connecticut’s new gun control law that technically turned gun owners who refuse to register their semi-automatic rifles and/or high-capacity magazines into felons overnight.

After some unfriendly conversation, Peterson — who was off-duty — eventually wrote: “I give my left nut to bang down your door and come for your gun …… you idiot grow up.” Giving the officer the benefit of the doubt, it’s technically possible he could have been attempting humor.

The Facebook user he was debating with certainly wasn’t friendly either. Take a look at some of the conversation (Warning! Strong language):

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