Gun Owner Who Stopped Shooting Rampage Wants His Gun Back After Year and a Half.

Almost 18 months after Mark Ktytor stopped a potential mass shooting by gunning down the suspect he still doesn’t have his gun back.

The shooting took place on September 9th, 2012 when suspected murderer, William Allabaugh of Plymouth Pennsylvania began shooting at innocent bystanders because he was upset for getting kicked out of a bar.

Authorities say Allabaugh critically wounded Stephen Hollman, 30, by shooting him in the head inside Bonnie’s Food and Spirits on Main Street. A short time later, Allabaugh fatally shot Scott Luzetsky, 39, outside the bar. Police said both victims were innocent bystanders who didn’t provoke the attack by Allabaugh, who was angered he was being kicked out of the bar.

Mark Ktytor was a concealed carry permit holder and was able to drop the gunman with several shots of his own, potentially saving the lives of others in the vicinity.  Police say that Allabaugh  was shot in the gun battle when he tried shooting at the hero of this story, Mark Ktytor.

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