Now, Mississippi governor is proposing that legislation be created, passed, and enforced that will essentially outlaw Obama’s unconstitutional ban on any firearms by state and local authorities. The details of exactly what would be banned are still fuzzy, but this is the direction more governors should take.
While explaining why he would take such strong steps to defend his state residents, the governor said frankly, “Guns are the only protection some people have.” That means this governor is doing what governors should always do: making sure they are helping protect those who need it most. Well done, sir.
Nullification: The Next War With Obama
Congress has almost no stomach for any real fight, with the exceptions of people like Congressman Justin Amash and Senator Rand Paul. In general, congress caves to Obama. The Supreme Court showed us with Obamacare that they are also willing to bend over backward in order to allow Obama continue his imperial, king-like presidency.
So what can we do? Get angry and post on Twitter a lot? Well yes, but there’s also something else we can do: nullify the tyranny.
Nullification is an extremely important political weapon in the defense of liberty, and it’s been neglected for years. You can learn more about nullification from nullification expert, Austrian economist, and historian Thomas Woods:
“State nullification is the idea that the states can and must refuse to enforce unconstitutional federal laws.”
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