Dec, 2012 by Dave Hodges
“It is clear that Obama, Boxer, the media, Hollywood stars and host of other elected representatives are coming after our guns. Leading the media charge is none other Michael Moore in which he implores the nation to let the murders of 20 Sandy Hook elementary students not “be in vain and stand for gun control.” Moore seems to forget that he and his family have several armed body guards. Then there is Obama who refuses to mandate that gun free zones at schools be replaced with armed guards designed in order to protect our children. And Obama also seems to forget to mention that he has 11 armed guards protecting his children while they attend school in a “gun free zone.” Oh, I think Obama and Moore think that our children are important. It is just that their children are much more important that our children. Simply put, Obama and Moore advocate for “rules for thee but not for me.
Regrettably, I believe that we are going to see an incrementally based approach to seizing our guns on the part of the Obama administration. Subsequently, Americans could very well be on the verge of committing “National Suicide by Gun Control”. The gun control advocates are positioning themselves and their gun-grabbing policies to be perfectly timed to influence people during this window of opportunity motivated by the highly suspicious set of mass shootings (e.g. Batman shootings, Sandy Hook shootings).
All totalitarian governments begin their invasion into civil liberties with the promise of safety from whoever plays the convenient role of the “boogey man” of the day. In Nazi Germany, the original boogey man were the communists and then this specter of boogey men kept expanding until anyone who was an enemy of the State needed to be controlled and disarmed. Isn’t this what we have witnessed since the days of 9/11 with the creation of the DHS inspired MIAC report which lists returning veterans, gun owners, Libertarians, Ron Paul supporters and Constiutionalists as domestic terrorists. This is your list of people who will be disarmed first and the list will keep growing until all Americans are disarmed. The totalitarian pleas of “Let us protect you from yourself” rings loudly and clearly through the halls of Congress and in the Oval Office. History shows that when governments demand to protect you from yourself, we should all get a little bit nervous.”
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