SACRAMENTO, CA (March 18, 2021) — Today, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced a major settlement agreement, inclusive of an injunction and consent decree, with California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and the California Department of Justice (DOJ) in Sharp v. Becerra, a federal due process lawsuit that challenged the State’s implementation and enforcement of “assault weapons” […]
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FPC Announces Settlement of Lawsuit Over California “Bullet Button Assault Weapon” “Registration Disasters”

Chicago Robbers Targeting Victims in “Gun Free Zones”
“Most criminal acts are crimes of opportunity, and there are greater opportunities when there are unarmed victims. Criminals in Chicago appear to be learning that lesson, as we’ve seen a number of recent robberies and carjackings that appear to be targeting victims in gun-free zones. In one case, police report that a suspect is going […]

Gun Culture 2.0 and the Great Gun-Buying Spree
n March 13, 2020, President Donald Trump declared a national emergency concerning the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States. Three days later, gun sales in the United States peaked at approximately 176,000, according to an analysis of data from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), a commonly used measure of gun sales. Gun […]
154 House Members Sign-On to a Bipartisan Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2021
“A bipartisan bill that would grant national reciprocity to concealed permit holders has been introduced in the House of Representatives. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) introduced H.R. 38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act during Congress’s opening day. The bill has a total of 154 co-sponsors, including Democrats that have broken from their party’s anti-gun stance. The […]

More than 23M firearms sold, over 21M gun background checks conducted in 2020
“Analysts estimate there were 8.4M first-time gun buyers in 2020. More than 21 million gun background checks were conducted in 2020 – up 60% from 2019 and over 34% from the previous record set in 2016 – with nearly 23 million firearms sold last year, experts and trade groups said Tuesday. Last year was a […]

Guns Prevent Thousands of Crimes Every Day, Research Shows
It never fails. A split-second after a mass shooting occurs, grandstanders and ideologues issue statements demanding new gun controls—even if the laws already on the books failed or the laws they want would have made no difference. Case in point: the tragic incidents in Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, in early August 2019. The […]

ATF withdraws proposed guidance on AR-pistol braces
“The guidance, posted on the Federal Register on Dec. 18, would have reconsidered pistols with stabilizing braces to be “short-barreled rifles” which are a controlled class of weapon under the National Firearms Act. The change would have required gun owners to either turn in their firearms or register their pistols as NFA firearms and pay […]

Carlos Hathcock Was A Sniper So Badass His Exploits Can Hardly Be Believed
“Carlos Hathcock had 93 confirmed kills of enemy personnel, but he estimated the actual number to be between 300 and 400. Snipers are controversial figures and the Vietnam War is a controversial war. This makes Carlos Hathcock, the most extraordinary sniper in the Vietnam War, a legendary figure in his own right. He is quoted […]

July Breaks Gun Sales Record
Gun company’s earnings triple, CEO says sales ‘like nothing we’ve seen! “One of the country’s leading gun makers saw earnings triple as gun sales once again shattered previous records for the month of July. July 2020 saw an estimated 1,795,602 gun sales—a new record and an increase of 133 percent over July 2019, according to […]

How Much Ammo Do You Really Need for Concealed Carry?
“Once you have realized that you can’t predict when a criminal attack will occur and have begun to pack your concealed carry handgun all the time, it is important to address the issue of carrying extra ammunition. It is generally recommended you carry at least one reload with you. The operative phrase in that sentence […]