President Obama simply can’t help himself; his choices for nominees to top government positions reflect a telling illustration of the president’s radical agenda. After being dealt a defeat when Congress rejected his most-recent pick to head up the DOJ’s civil rights division, Obama doubled-down and is pushing for Dr. Vivek Hallegere Murthy as Surgeon General.
The problem? Dr. Murthy is an anti-gun rights zealot who views firearm ownership as a public health issue, not a guaranteed right afforded to Americans.
Obama’s pick for Surgeon General betrays a pattern of behavior that has gone largely unnoticed. The new war on the Second Amendment comes as a guerrilla operation. As outright bans and heavy-handed legislation simmers on the back burner, the new wave of gun control comes in the form of reframing the debate by declaring the issue a “public health issue,” a “mental health issue,” or, in the case of ammunition, an “environmental issue.”
President Obama continually touts his willingness to “compromise” with Republicans, but with government nominees ranging from defenders of cop-killers to anti-gun zealots, it is abundantly clear that this administration, and the left as a whole, are truly unwilling to cease with their relentless pursuit of radical policies.
Dr. Vivek Hallegere Murthy is the president and co-founder of Doctors for America, a liberal group whose crusades for anti-Second Amendment measures are predicated on the erroneous notion that gun ownership is an issue between doctor and patient.
In a letter to Vice-President Joe Biden, Dr. Murthy clearly outlines his group’s proposals for helping curb gun violence. The first, a predictable one, is to eliminate what he calls “military-style guns and ammunition” from the private sector. He writes,
“Medications and medical devices are pulled from the market when their risks outweigh their benefits. So should we rethink the weapons that we allow on our streets.”
The letter also calls for strengthening government oversight on gun ownership, stating,
“Pharmacies track and limit the purchase of pseudoephedrine to prevent the manufacture of crystalline methamphetamine. Every state requires a driver’s license and car registration in order to drive, and physicians certify those who should no longer drive because they would be a grave danger to themselves and others. We should approach the purchase, transfer, and operation of guns and ammunition with similar rigor.”
Dr. Murthy’s group also wants doctors to play the role of nannies by eliminating the barrier between doctors and their patients with regards to gun ownership. The letter advocates:
– Prohibit laws preventing physicians from discussing gun safety with patients.
– Remove the provision in the Affordable Care Act and other federal policies that prohibit physicians from documenting gun ownership.
– Invest in improving access to mental health resources.
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