Facebook responds to blocking private gun sales on the social media site.

Facebook announced today that it will block illegal sales on the website. More specifically, it will regulate sales between private sellers attempting to sell a firearm to a felon, minor or across state lines without an FFL.

“We will not permit people to post offers to sell regulated items that indicate a willingness to evade or help others evade the law,” said Monika Bickert, Facebook’s Head of Global Policy Management. “For example, private sellers of firearms in the U.S. will not be permitted to specify “no background check required,” nor can they offer to transact across state lines without a licensed firearms dealer.”

The announcement comes after a push by Moms Demand Action and Mayors Against Illegal Guns calling for Facebook to end private sales on their platforms.

UPDATE 2:00 p.m. EST: The National Rifle Association issued this statement regarding the change in policy:

“The NRA enjoys 150 times more support on Facebook than Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns. That’s why Bloomberg and the gun control groups he funds tried to pressure Facebook into shutting down discussion of Second Amendment issues on its social media platforms,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director, NRA Institute for Legislative Action.

“Bloomberg failed,” Cox continued.  ”NRA members and our supporters will continue to have a platform to exercise their First Amendment rights in support of their Second Amendment freedoms.

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