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Why do you need firearms training? Yes, I’m talking to you!

The Key to Securing your Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The vast majority of Americans, be they gun-owners or not, are unconsciously incompetent about firearms. That is, they don’t know what they don’t know. The perceptions that the average non-gun-owner has about firearms are largely driven by what they see in media, or by […]

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One final reminder: local firearms training opportunity, outdoors! (San Diego County)

Time is running out to enroll. Friends, I try never to pass up an opportunity to train. Or an opportunity to practice. I am always a student of the gun. Whether I am learning some new skills, or re-learning and reinforcing fundamentals that I may have forgotten. Or just practicing known skills to get better […]

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Local firearms training opportunity, outdoors! (San Diego County)

Time is running out to enroll. Friends, I try never to pass up an opportunity to train. Or an opportunity to practice. I am always a student of the gun. Whether I am learning some new skills, or re-learning and reinforcing fundamentals that I may have forgotten. Or just practicing known skills to get better […]

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12 Mistakes Men Make When Hunting With Women.

ByBy Barbara Baird and Stephanie Mallory The guide for every man on exactly how to show a lady a miserable time in the woods Women are joining the hunting ranks at a faster rate than men. But, we ladies still encounter a few problems when it comes to learning the sport. The No.1 problem for […]

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In Missouri, Public School Students Are Learning How to Handle Guns Safely.

Gabriella Morrongiello / @gabriellahope_ / September 23, 2014 Ready, aim, fire. A new statewide program in Missouri has introduced an after-school lesson on gun safety for public school students. According to local ABC news affiliate KSPR, the special program brings students of various ages to the Missouri Department of Conservation gun range where they spend […]

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Utah sees spike in women obtaining concealed firearms permits.

By Debbie Dujanovic SALT LAKE CITY — When Dusti Shepard’s husband got a gun last year, she decided it was time to put aside her fear of handguns and learn to use one. Besides practicing her skills at a new shooting range in Sandy called The Armory, the mother of two young children obtained a […]

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At 2:18 in This Video, the Shooter Makes a Rookie Mistake — Once You See the Premise, You’ll Understand Why.

What do you get when you bring self-described liberals to the firing range for the first time? A very interesting video (along with a rookie mistake), as BuzzFeed found out. The folks over at BuzzFeed Yellow decided to bring together a group of five anti-gun proponents and capture their reactions before and after firing guns […]

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When She Realized It Wasn’t Her Husband Downstairs, She Grabbed Her Gun. When She Called 911, She Couldn’t Believe What She Was Told.

Aug. 4, 2014 10:34pm Jason Howerton “She was upstairs resting following recent hip replacement surgery when she heard a bunch of “commotion” coming from the first floor of her home in Holmes Beach, Florida. NJ Logan says she quickly realized it wasn’t her husband as he was out playing bridge. So the 80-year-old grandmother jumped […]

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Confessions of a Former Liberal: 2nd Amendment is Pro Woman.

Larry Provost | Jul 31, 2014 “I was never a big fan of weapons, until I got married and moved South. Thank God I escaped Leftist Stockholm Syndrome. My family was never big into weapons, even though we grew up on the farm. Tragically, I think much of it stemmed from a close relative who […]

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3 Reasons Why Outside-the-Waistband Holsters Are Better Than Inside-the-Waistband Holsters (And 3 Reasons Why They’re Not)

By Robert Farago on June 19, 2014 There are as many ways to carry a firearm as Israeli models worthy of linkage. But just as Bar Refaeli and Esti Ginzburg stand apart from their comely colleagues, inside-the-waistband (IWB) and outside-the-waistband (OWB) holsters are the go-to options for concealed carriers. Adherents of either method can choose […]

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