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An Easy Way to Train With 300 Blackout.

by Clay Martin on August 26, 2014 Recently, GunsAmerica has been diving into all things 300 Blackout. Today’s spotlight is on a very special set from Barnes Precision Machine–an AR-15 with uppers in both 5.56 and .300 AAC Blackout. Why two upper receivers? That is the brilliance of the Blackout. 300 AAC, designed from the […]

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Barrel Length Studies in 5.56mm NATO Weapons.

There has been a cultural shift from the 20-inch barrel length in the AR-15/M16 weapon systems chambered for the 5.56×45 NATO cartridge to progressively shorter barrels for the purpose of producing an increasingly more compact assault/entry weapon without resorting to a bull-pup design. Simple usage of these short-barreled weapons has shown the necessity for both […]

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Watch This Incredible Long-Range Rifle Shot From Nearly 1.5 Miles Away.

Hitting a target more than 2,500 meters away proved to be no sweat for this long-range shooter, even though the bullet had to travel for almost a full five seconds in the air. The shooter’s .338 Lapua Magnum lined up for the long shot. (Image source: LiveLeak) LiveLeak user Grizzman uploaded a video showing viewers […]

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The Astonishing Way a Deadly Accurate Sniper Killed Six Taliban Insurgents From 930 Yards… With ONE Bullet.

A deadly accurate 20-year-old British sniper in Afghanistan managed to kill six Taliban insurgents with just one bullet, The Telegraph reports. The marksman, a Lance Corporal in the Coldstream Guards, apparently hit a suicide bomber’s trigger switch from 930 yards, causing an explosion that killed him and five of his fellow terrorists. “Lt Col Richard […]

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