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ISIS Had BEST Be Scared After Finding Out Who Norway Just Sent To Fight Them.

by Sean Brown “Norway is apparently fed up with the Islamic State terrorist group (ISIS) and will be joining several other nations in sending forces to combat them, but they’re not just sending regular soldiers. Dozens of soldiers from the Norwegian “Punishers,” a battalion so fierce that even an American veteran said they’re a force […]

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Bill Passed: Texas Highway to be Named in Honor of ‘American Sniper’ Chris Kyle.

by Lana Shadwick “The Texas Senate passed House Bill 1187 designating a segment of U.S. Hwy 287 in Midlothian, as the Chris Kyle Memorial Highway. The Texas House passed the bill earlier this month. The bill will now go to Governor Greg Abbott for signing and making the bill law. Midlothian is 25 miles southwest […]

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New military goggles combine nightvision and thermal imaging.

by Andrew Tarantola “Nightvision and thermal imaging play similar — but very distinct — roles on the modern battlefield. Soldiers utilize night vision to illuminate their darkened surroundings while thermal imaging is employed to illuminate darkened targets. But until now, soldiers have had to carry separate imaging systems for each, which negatively impacts how quickly […]

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DARPA’s steerable bullet proves it can hit moving targets.

by Andrew Tarantola “DARPA announced that its self-steering bullet program, dubbed the Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance (EXACTO), passed another developmental milestone in late February. Per an administration release, and the video below, experienced and novice shooters alike were able to strike moving targets. And, in the case of expert shooters, able to hit actively evading […]

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Cruz: 2nd Amendment ‘Not Subject to Public Opinion Polls’

Barbara Boland | April 16, 2015 “When it comes to Constitutional rights, what matters is what the Bill of Rights says. It doesn’t matter what might be popular at the moment,” said presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas.) in response to a reporter’s loaded question at the NRA’s annual meeting Friday about how he could […]

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Gun Owners of California Second Amendment Celebration dinner. Join us!

No one can deny that we are in a fierce battle for our gun rights, especially here in Krazyfornia! Not everyone has the extra time to help fight the battle, but everyone can help fund those that do have the time! And the battle can get quite expensive. I want to ask all of you […]

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What is 2015?

What is 2015? 2015 is the year we increase our game! It is the year we train. It is the year non-gun owners buy their first firearm. It is the year non-shooters learn how to shoot for the first time. It is the year we really develop our proficiency with our firearms. It is the […]

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Simply Put, The Best AR-15 Trigger.

Gear Expert by Optics Planet “Now that AR’s are making their way into almost every freedom loving Mericans’ home, (shame on you if you don’t have one) the garden variety of so called “Mil-Spec” triggers that come in the gun’s natural form, borderline suck to say the least. The long drawn out take-up on the […]

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Onward Christian soldiers: US filmmaker, self-styled revolutionary trains faithful to fight ISIS.

By Hollie McKay Published February 27, 2015 Just 12 miles north of the ISIS-controlled city of Mosul, an American filmmaker and self-styled revolutionary is running a boot camp for Christians willing and able to fight for their lives and faith against the murderous Islamic terror organization. Matthew VanDyke, an award-winning documentary filmmaker who escaped […]

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50,000 and growing!

We did it! We hit 50,000 followers in just one year! I’ve been watching the numbers and I knew we were getting close. This morning the number was 50,0154 individual gun owners following news site! The growth has been amazing! Most are subscribed to the news site’s email newsletter, and thousands more are following […]

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