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Tough men for hire: Ex-special forces in demand for war on terror.

By Malia Zimmerman Published February 25, 2015 “The 21 Afghan soldiers had been kidnapped in the remote Badakhshan Province by the Taliban, which, days later, returned their bullet-riddled bodies through tribal leaders. Within hours, Tony Schiena, a real-life Rambo who has been called “one of the most highly trained covert operatives in the world,” […]

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Guns Across America Austin Rally: Gun Rights are not About Guns, They are About Liberty.

by Bob Price21 Feb 2015Austin, TX “About two hundred gun rights activists gathered on the south steps of the Texas Capitol to show support for expanding gun rights in Texas on Saturday. While much of the talk was about gun rights, many of the speakers used the word that Governor Greg Abbott used in his […]

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Washington Post Shocker: Background Checks Don’t Work.

NRA-ILA February 20, 2015 “Before anyone gets the wrong idea, the editors of the Washington Post still support background checks on private firearm transactions, along with bans on detachable-magazine-fed semi-automatic rifles, semi-automatic shotguns, and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. And they’ll call you a “coward” if you disagree. However, at least two of […]

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Denial of indoor shooting range in Carlsbad upheld.

Approximately 250 people flooded the 100 seat city planning commission auditorium lining the walls ,filling the back of the room and flowing all the way out the door! Every one of them except one was there to support the Gunthers in their bid to build Carlsbad’s first public shooting range. This crowd was rallied primarily […]

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A Call to Action: San Diego County!

We all complain about our gun rights being taken away. Rarely do we have an opportunity to directly prevent that from happening. That opportunity is this Wednesday evening. On Feb 18th at 6pm the Carlsbad Planning Commission will have a hearing to decide if they will allow a gun range to open in the city […]

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New ‘Women Gun Owners’ National Shooting Sports Foundation Report Available.

By nssfnews “More than half of women (55.6 percent) participating in a new study commissioned by the National Shooting Sports Foundation said they intend to purchase at least one firearm in the next 12 months. That finding and many others reflect the growing popularity of firearms ownership by women, who represent the fastest growing segment […]

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Urge Support for S. 405 – The Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015

The Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015 The Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015 (S.405), NSSF’s top legislative priority, has been introduced in the United States Senate by Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Martin Heinrich (D-NM). For hunters and sport shooters this is the most significant piece sportsmen’s legislation in a generation. It protects the use of […]

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Confessions of a Former Liberal: 2nd Amendment is Pro Woman.

Larry Provost | Jul 31, 2014 “I was never a big fan of weapons, until I got married and moved South. Thank God I escaped Leftist Stockholm Syndrome. My family was never big into weapons, even though we grew up on the farm. Tragically, I think much of it stemmed from a close relative who […]

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Lawmakers Pass Legislation Repealing ‘Gun-Free Zones’ for Concealed Carry Holders.

February 4, 2015 By Greg Campbell “In states with a conservative populace, we are seeing a renaissance of freedom vis-à-vis Second Amendment rights. For years, those who sought to uphold the Second Amendment’s protections were bombarded with a massive assault from all angles. As Americans worked to try and fight-back outright bans and increased federal […]

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Homeland Security Chief: Terrorist Sleeper Cells In U.S., Poised To Attack.

By Greg Richter, Newsmax “There are individuals living in the United States today who have contact with the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) and other terrorist groups who have “a desire to conduct an attack” on U.S. soil, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.” Johnson would not say […]

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