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Striving for a beautiful new shooting range in Carlsbad, CA.

Greg and Lisa Gunther, owners of the Gunther Guns gun store in Carlsbad, CA hope to open a world class indoor shooting range and firearm safety training facility in their building at 2717 Loker Avenue West in Carlsbad, the same location where Gunther Guns is currently located. However liberal/anti gun city officials have been fighting […]

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First Annual Second Amendment Celebration Dinner at San Diego.

As you all have heard by now, Gun Owners of California is having its first annual Second Amendment Celebration Dinner at San Diego’s Hall of Champions in Balboa Park on Saturday, May 16th at 6pm! There will be samples of San Diego cuisine, samples of San Diego beer, and gun donations by San Diego gun […]

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Cruz: 2nd Amendment ‘Not Subject to Public Opinion Polls’

Barbara Boland | April 16, 2015 “When it comes to Constitutional rights, what matters is what the Bill of Rights says. It doesn’t matter what might be popular at the moment,” said presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas.) in response to a reporter’s loaded question at the NRA’s annual meeting Friday about how he could […]

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Gun Rights on the Chopping-Block as Early as Next Week.

Created: Thursday, 16 April 2015 Written by Gun Owners of America “If Lynch is confirmed, she is the Supreme Court’s fifth-vote-in-waiting.” — GOA’s Michael Hammond, TownHall, March 24, 2015 ACTION: Click here to contact your Senators to OPPOSE the Loretta Lynch nomination at every step. And circulate this alert to your pro-gun family and friends […]

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Gun Owners of California Second Amendment Celebration dinner. Join us!

No one can deny that we are in a fierce battle for our gun rights, especially here in Krazyfornia! Not everyone has the extra time to help fight the battle, but everyone can help fund those that do have the time! And the battle can get quite expensive. I want to ask all of you […]

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What is 2015?

What is 2015? 2015 is the year we increase our game! It is the year we train. It is the year non-gun owners buy their first firearm. It is the year non-shooters learn how to shoot for the first time. It is the year we really develop our proficiency with our firearms. It is the […]

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CA Handgun Sales Skyrocket, Gun-Related Homicides Plummet.

by AWR Hawkins4 Mar Handgun sales in California broke a 21-year-old record in 2014, and at the same time, firearm-related murders fell to their lowest rate in over 20 years. Moreover, accidental gun deaths decreased as well. According to The Sacramento Bee, a record-breaking 510,000 handguns were sold in the state of California in 2014, […]

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San Diego’s Newest Gun Range!

San Diego’s Finest Indoor Shooting Range Welcome to The Gun Range San Diego! They are here to ensure that you have the best experience possible every time you come to our range. Their level of customer service has set a new standard in the industry. They want to make sure that you are comfortable, well […]

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Onward Christian soldiers: US filmmaker, self-styled revolutionary trains faithful to fight ISIS.

By Hollie McKay Published February 27, 2015 Just 12 miles north of the ISIS-controlled city of Mosul, an American filmmaker and self-styled revolutionary is running a boot camp for Christians willing and able to fight for their lives and faith against the murderous Islamic terror organization. Matthew VanDyke, an award-winning documentary filmmaker who escaped […]

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50,000 and growing!

We did it! We hit 50,000 followers in just one year! I’ve been watching the numbers and I knew we were getting close. This morning the number was 50,0154 individual gun owners following news site! The growth has been amazing! Most are subscribed to the news site’s email newsletter, and thousands more are following […]

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