San Diego County Gun Owners PAC Announce Two Changes in Their City Council Ratings
San Diego County’s gun lobby is straitening out the politic landscape and making them toe the line, or they will never win office again!
San Diego County’s gun lobby is straitening out the politic landscape and making them toe the line, or they will never win office again!
6-time felon killed by 13-year-old during home invasion. by Jennifer Cruz “Two convicted felons intent on breaking into a Ladson, South Carolina, home Tuesday afternoon were met with surprise when they came face to face with 13-year-old armed with a gun. According to reports from The Post and Courier, the young boy, who is not […]
by AWR Hawkins “Last week in Detroit, Michigan, Bonnie La Rose saw her boyfriend being beaten. She retrieved her gun, a .38 revolver, positioned herself between her boyfriend and the attacker, and warned him that she would shoot if he took another step toward her or her boyfriend. The attack ended. According to USA Today, […]
Finally! A gun rights group that is engaging media and pushing back! Take a listen to this interview on KPBS by the Executive Director of “San Diego County Gun Owners PAC” http://www.kpbs.org/news/2015/nov/03/san-diego-groups-debate-tighter-gun-laws/ Or read the transcript here: http://www.kpbs.org/audioclips/25752/#transcript I’m proud to be a Board member of this new group and I need your help! In […]
I am proud to call each of you “Sheep Dogs”. Sheep Dogs don’t sit on the sidelines and let others fight for them. Sheep dogs get in the fight! My expectation is that each one of you gets in this very important fight for our gun rights. We are the ONLY organization that will restore […]
By Jason Howerton CNN commentator Sally Kohn published an opinion column on Thursday claiming that guns need to be regulated just like “toys” because 10,000 kids are killed by guns every year. The number is jarring — but it’s also false. Shortly after posting her column online, radio host John Cardillo publicly called her out, […]
I am proud to call each of you “Sheep Dogs”. Sheep Dogs don’t sit on the sidelines and let others fight for them. Sheep dogs get in the fight! My expectation is that each one of you gets in this very important fight for our gun rights. We are the ONLY organization this will restore […]
Published October 19, 2015 FoxNews.com “Gun control advocates are launching a new regulatory push in California to impose first-in-the-nation instant background checks for ammunition sales, a move that comes as gun violence surfaces as a lightning rod issue in the 2016 presidential race. Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democratic candidate for governor in 2018, joined […]
On October 15th, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom — who is already running for Governor in 2018 — announced a new, cynical ballot initiative that would only ensure California becomes even more extreme on the issue of restrictive gun laws. I hope you’ll join me in standing in opposition to this initiative. Here’s what the Sacramento Bee had […]
by Jason Howerton “SACRAMENTO, Calif. (TheBlaze/AP) — California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom is proposing a 2016 ballot initiative that would ask voters to strengthen the state’s gun laws by restricting ammunition sales, requiring owners to turn in high capacity magazines and requiring gun owners to report lost or stolen guns to law enforcement. If adopted, […]