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BREAKING: GA Passes “Most Extreme Pro-Gun Bill in the Country”.

This bill was actually called “the most extreme gun bill in the country” by Mom’s Demand Action and other anti-gun groups, so you know it has to be good. First off, a big shout out the grassroots organization Their work over the last two years made the passage of this bill possible. Just yesterday […]

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BREAKING: Ninth Circuit Makes Hawaii a Shall-Issue State.

The Peruta dominos continue to fall. In an earlier decision in Baker v Kealoha, a District Court refused to rule in favor of the plaintiff, Christopher Baker. Baker had moved for an injunction against various Hawaii state agencies that had denied him a carry license. As a Ninth Circuit panel summed up the District Court’s […]

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Spokane Baristas Packing More Than a Shot of Caffeine.

Jitterz Java, a Spokane coffee house, was robbed twice in February. Given that track record, the store’s owner has adopted some new preventative measures. She’s letting her baristas pack heat on the job. As reports, “…on Sunday, a man who appeared to be armed ran off after a barista grabbed her gun and called police.” The local 5-0 […]

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The Second Amendment: A Symbol of Freedom or An Invitation to Violence?

John W. Whitehead is president of The Rutherford Institute and author of A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State. Whitehead also drafted anti-drone legislation which is making its way through state and local legislatures. You can largely determine where a person will fall in the debate over gun control and the Second Amendment […]

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Black Americans in High Crime Areas Greatest Beneficiaries of ‘Stand Your Ground’

Although “stand your ground” opponents argue that the law is a racist one that hurts minorities, the reality is that black Americans in high crime areas are the greatest beneficiaries of “stand your ground” laws. Dissenters like Al Shaprton and the Christian Science Monitor‘s Patrik Jonsson like to cite numbers from a Tampa Bay Times study […]

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Current background checks stop very few firearm purchases.

Percentage of denials hits low under Obama. Federal background checks are denying gun purchasers under President Obama at about half the rate they did under President Clinton and also at a slower clip than during President George W. Bush’s administration, according to data obtained by The Washington Times under the Freedom of Information Act. The […]

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Should CT Police Confiscate Guns If Ordered To Do So? A Law Enforcement Perspective.

Sgt. Patrick Hayes writes: There has been talk that the only way Connecticut can enforce their new gun laws is by confiscation. Of course the State is saying they don’t intend to do that – just like all the anti-gun folks always say “Nobody is after your guns.” Should the Police enforce these laws? The […]

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On March 12th Lisa Atkins of Junction City, Oregon, did something “no trespassing signs, security system, [or] dogs” could do: she stopped a burglar by pulling a handgun and pinning him down until police arrived to take him away.   According to Eugene’s KEZI 9 News, Atkins heard a commotion about 9 a.m. Wednesday morning. […]

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Conceal Carry Permits Surge in California.

There has been a surge of people ready to get their hands on a conceal and carry permit after a Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling last month that relaxed the California’s laws on the issue. Sacramento County alone has 7,000 people on the waiting list. Typically, San Joaquin County has 20 appointments per […]

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Oceanside: Gun store owner files injuction halting ATF raid.

OCEANSIDE, Calif. – The owner of an Oceanside store that sells various gun parts to build a rifle from scratch refused to turn over his customer list when he was raided by federal agents Wednesday. Dimitrios Karras, owner of Ares Armor, said the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents were investigating their business, […]

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