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5 Must-Read Shooting Tips from 3-Gun Professional Shooters.

Jeremy L “Tired of your buddies shooting better than you at the range or during competitions? I got to sit down with professional 3-Gun competitors Jesse Tischauser and Kalani Laker to talk about how shooters of any level can increase their shooting skills. 1.Know When To Call It Quits At The Range: How many rounds […]

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Living For That First Shot.

Jeremy L “It’s been a rough week at work, you’ve been working your butt off on something only to have your boss tear you a new one. Trust me, we’ve all been there and it’s not a good feeling. But today’s your lucky day, you’ve got plans to hit the range tonight, the gun range […]

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Watch This Bullet Pierce Through These Four Watermelons in Super-Slow Motion.

Aug. 19, 2014 7:30pm Oliver Darcy “A video posted online to a popular YouTube channel shows a bullet pierce a series of four watermelons in super-slow motion. Produced by the “Slow Mo Guys,” the footage — titled “Catching a Bullet With a Watermelon” — shows an individual fire a .308 rifle trained at several watermelons […]

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At 2:18 in This Video, the Shooter Makes a Rookie Mistake — Once You See the Premise, You’ll Understand Why.

What do you get when you bring self-described liberals to the firing range for the first time? A very interesting video (along with a rookie mistake), as BuzzFeed found out. The folks over at BuzzFeed Yellow decided to bring together a group of five anti-gun proponents and capture their reactions before and after firing guns […]

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Free Shirt! Help us Empower others and get free stuff!

If you have had a positive experience at Empowered Firearms and Training in Vista, CA would you help us spread the word by leaving a review on Yelp and Google+ ?  This will help others find us. Once you’ve left your reviews, come on in, and with a $40 purchase, you will receive a FREE […]

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Watch in Super Slow-Motion What Happens When This Bullet Pierces Jars of Peanut Butter, Jelly.

Aug. 14, 2014 4:50pm Oliver Darcy A new video posted online shows a prominent YouTube star capture a bullet piercing jars of both peanut butter and jelly. The footage captures the “crazy Russian hacker” firing a round into the jars at 25,000 frames per second. At the time of publication, the video’s YouTube counter was […]

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Pro-Gun Sheriff Has a Message for Michael Bloomberg After the Billionaire Spent Six Figures Trying to Defeat Him.

Aug. 14, 2014 8:28pm Jason Howerton “Despite former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg spending six figures to defeat him in a recent Democratic primary, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, Jr. soared to victory as a pro-gun incumbent candidate. Now, he has a message for Bloomberg. Appearing on “Fox & Friends” Thursday, Clarke said Bloomberg’s plan […]

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World peace? These are the only 11 countries in the world that are actually free from conflict.

Adam Withnall Thursday 14 August 2014 “With the crisis in Gaza, the rise of Islamist militants in Iraq and Syria and the international stand-off ongoing in Ukraine, it can sometimes feel like the whole world is at war. But experts believe this is actually almost universally the case, according to a think-tank which produces one […]

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Poway Weapons & Gear Announces the Grand Opening Date for Largest Indoor Gun Range on the West Coast.

Poway, CA – Poway Weapons & Gear, a federally licensed retail firearms dealer, announced today that on August 23rd, 2014 it will be opening its new range & training facility. The Poway Weapons & Gear Range is a 42,000 square foot, $8 Million facility will be one of the newest, high-end gun ranges to open […]

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GUNFIGHTER TACTICAL: Off Roster Handguns in San Diego.

Most of you know that CA’s governor has signed a bill removing the “Single Shot Exemption” which allows us to buy “off roster” handguns legally in CA. The law takes effect Jan. 1st, 2015. So if you want your off roster handguns then you only have 4 months left to get them! Our friends at […]

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