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Urge Support for S. 405 – The Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015

The Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015 The Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015 (S.405), NSSF’s top legislative priority, has been introduced in the United States Senate by Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Martin Heinrich (D-NM). For hunters and sport shooters this is the most significant piece sportsmen’s legislation in a generation. It protects the use of […]

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Confessions of a Former Liberal: 2nd Amendment is Pro Woman.

Larry Provost | Jul 31, 2014 “I was never a big fan of weapons, until I got married and moved South. Thank God I escaped Leftist Stockholm Syndrome. My family was never big into weapons, even though we grew up on the farm. Tragically, I think much of it stemmed from a close relative who […]

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Lawmakers Pass Legislation Repealing ‘Gun-Free Zones’ for Concealed Carry Holders.

February 4, 2015 By Greg Campbell “In states with a conservative populace, we are seeing a renaissance of freedom vis-à-vis Second Amendment rights. For years, those who sought to uphold the Second Amendment’s protections were bombarded with a massive assault from all angles. As Americans worked to try and fight-back outright bans and increased federal […]

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A new year of training is underway.

These are some of the finest instructors we at The Shooters Hangout have had the pleasure of training with! If you, your family, and your co-workers can make it to this course you will patting yourself of the back and so glad you did! Lance A new year of training is underway, and we have […]

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Homeland Security Chief: Terrorist Sleeper Cells In U.S., Poised To Attack.

By Greg Richter, Newsmax “There are individuals living in the United States today who have contact with the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) and other terrorist groups who have “a desire to conduct an attack” on U.S. soil, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.” Johnson would not say […]

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Imminent news for CCW in San Diego and California!

There is imminent news for CCW in San Diego and California! Very, very soon we will be getting news from the 9th Circuit Court.    🙂 Get the news right here on this news site There is only one way to be the first to get the news- scroll to the bottom of the page […]

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Democrats Co-Sponsor Bill to Repeal Colorado Gun Control.

by AWR Hawkins7 Feb 2015 “Three Democratic state senators have joined as co-sponsors on a Republican bill to repeal Colorado’s “high capacity” magazine ban. State senators Chris Holbert (R-Parker) and John Cooke (R-Greeley) initially put SB 175 forward. As a sheriff, Cooke made headlines in 2013 with his opposition to proposed gun control measures. Upon […]

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Wyoming guns on campus bill passes state House with no problem.

2/03/15 | by Chris Eger “A measure to do away with gun free zones around both K-12 schools as well as colleges and universities sailed through the Wyoming House in a 42-17 vote Monday. The bill would allow those with state-recognized concealed carry permits to bring their handgun with them while visiting or attending school […]

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Suspect Forced His Way Into Home to Find 11-Year-Old Girl Hiding in a Closet — Then He Saw What She Was Holding.

Feb. 2, 2015 Jason Howerton “An 11-year-old girl was home alone when police say a man pulled into the driveway of the Lapeer County, Michigan, residence and started knocking on all the doors to see if anyone was home. When no one answered, the suspect reportedly forced his way in. Realizing the potential danger she […]

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Imminent News for CCW San Diego and California!

There is imminent news for CCW in San Diego and California! Very, very soon we will be getting news from the 9th Circuit Court.    🙂 Get the news right here on this news site There is only one way to be the first to get the news- scroll to the bottom of the page […]

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