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‘A GOOD JOB’: Texas cop who killed both Muslim gunmen credited with saving lives.

How many reasons do you need? They keep stacking up! How many islamic/ISSIS related arrests have to be made? How many cities have to be looted and burned down by rioters? How many innocent people have to be attacked and killed? How many reasons do you need before you encourage all your family and friends […]

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Students at Catholic University vote to allow guns on campus.

By Susan Svrluga Catholic University (Photo by Sarah L. Voisin/The Washington Post) Catholic University student leaders want students to be able to carry guns on campus. “A resolution in support of student carry” easily passed the school’s student government, the Student Association General Assembly, with a 16 to 11 vote. That surprised one of the […]

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BREAKING: Bans on “Assault Weapons,” Firearm Magazines Can Be Based on Feelings, Rules Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

April 27, 2015 in FPC Blog “In a stunning 2-1 decision published today that upheld a City of Highland Park, Illinois ordinance (§136.005 of the City Code) that prohibits the possession of so-called “assault weapons” and “large‐capacity magazines,” Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Frank Easterbrook held that [a]nother constitutional principle is relevant: the Constitu‐tion […]

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I will keep this brief and to the point. Please take 1 minute to read. (re: your gun rights)

I will keep this brief and to the point. Please take 1 minute to read. Often over the last 10 years I hear people complain about the way gun owners are treated in California. As long as we all stand by and let it happen, it will keep getting worse. This email is to ask […]

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San Diego’s Newest Gun Range!

San Diego’s Finest Indoor Shooting Range Welcome to The Gun Range San Diego! They are here to ensure that you have the best experience possible every time you come to our range. Their level of customer service has set a new standard in the industry. They want to make sure that you are comfortable, well […]

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Handgun/Rifle Combined Training. This weekend in Alpine, CA.

Put on your battle rattle and lets get busy! We here at The Shooters Hangout are big fans of the training provided by William Desy of CCW USA Firearms Training! Join us this weekend as William runs us through integrated weapon, speed and accuracy drills. We believe that you can never get enough trigger time. […]

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Striving for a beautiful new shooting range in Carlsbad, CA.

Greg and Lisa Gunther, owners of the Gunther Guns gun store in Carlsbad, CA hope to open a world class indoor shooting range and firearm safety training facility in their building at 2717 Loker Avenue West in Carlsbad, the same location where Gunther Guns is currently located. However liberal/anti gun city officials have been fighting […]

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Concealed Carrier Wins Gunfight Against Armed Robbers.

Guns Save Lives by Dan Cannon “An Arkansas man used his firearm to fight off multiple armed robbers this week. According to local media reports: Henry Richards was enjoying a game of pool in his garage when he was caught in the middle of a firefight. “It’s a pretty quiet residential neighborhood,” said Richards. “I […]

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Magpul on New Glock Magazines, “OK We Screwed Up.” Don’t Worry, They’re Fixing It.

by Dan Cannon “Magpul just recently released their new Glock magazines. They are less expensive (around 15.95) and lighter than stock Glock magazines so they’ve created quite a buzz. However, just after releasing their first batch into the wild, a potential problem has been discovered. To Magpul’s credit, they acknowledged the issue and are taking […]

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DARPA’s steerable bullet proves it can hit moving targets.

by Andrew Tarantola “DARPA announced that its self-steering bullet program, dubbed the Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance (EXACTO), passed another developmental milestone in late February. Per an administration release, and the video below, experienced and novice shooters alike were able to strike moving targets. And, in the case of expert shooters, able to hit actively evading […]

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