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Why do you need firearms training? Yes, I’m talking to you!

The Key to Securing your Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The vast majority of Americans, be they gun-owners or not, are unconsciously incompetent about firearms. That is, they don’t know what they don’t know. The perceptions that the average non-gun-owner has about firearms are largely driven by what they see in media, or by […]

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Suspect Learns There Are Painful Consequences to Robbing and Assaulting a Woman Right in Front of Her Texas Husband.

Oct. 29, 2014 Jason Howerton Police say an unidentified suspect targeted an elderly couple as they exited a grocery store in Northwest Dallas on Tuesday night, snatching a gold necklace from the woman’s neck and knocking her to the ground. After witnessing the suspect assault his wife, 71-year-old Ronnie Lummus pulled out his handgun and […]

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Guns Were Banned at the North Carolina State Fair. What Happened Next Is Painfully Ironic.

Oct. 29, 2014 Zach Noble “Here’s a story that supports the old saying, “When you criminalize guns, only criminals will have guns.” Two people leaving the North Carolina State Fair on Saturday were robbed at gunpoint, after a legal battle had enabled the the fair to be declared a “gun-free” zone, WATE-TV reported. It would […]

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One final reminder: local firearms training opportunity, outdoors! (San Diego County)

Time is running out to enroll. Friends, I try never to pass up an opportunity to train. Or an opportunity to practice. I am always a student of the gun. Whether I am learning some new skills, or re-learning and reinforcing fundamentals that I may have forgotten. Or just practicing known skills to get better […]

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Is There a ‘Hidden Risk’ at Gun Ranges?

Oct. 23, 2014 Liz Klimas “While the most obvious threat at a gun range would be a person who wasn’t safely using a firearm, according to some there could be a less obvious concern at many facilities: lead exposure. Here’s how the Seattle Times started off with it in a recent report: A confused 38-year-old […]

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Local firearms training opportunity, outdoors! (San Diego County)

Time is running out to enroll. Friends, I try never to pass up an opportunity to train. Or an opportunity to practice. I am always a student of the gun. Whether I am learning some new skills, or re-learning and reinforcing fundamentals that I may have forgotten. Or just practicing known skills to get better […]

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Government Agents You Might Have Never Thought Were Packing.

Oct. 7, 2014 8:48pm Fred Lucas “Weeding out waste, fraud and abuse in the federal government is considered important, but rarely considered dangerous. Still 3,501 agents working for 33 different inspectors general, the internal watchdog divisions of federal agencies, are authorized to carry guns according to a Congressional Research Service report made public on the […]

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ISIS has made it into the US! Through our Mexican border.

Oct. 8, 2014 9:26am Pete Kasperowicz Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border! “Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) said Tuesday night that U.S. border officials have caught “at least 10″ Islamic State fighters or people with ties to the group as they tried to enter the U.S. […]

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We hit a huge milestone last night!!!

Shooters, I am happy to announce that this news site hit the milestone of 20,000 followers last night!!! I’m not talking about 20,000 web hits, I get about twice that every day. I’m talking about 20,000 individual gun owners that are following us. I got up this morning and the count was 20,047. Wow! They […]

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Four Armed Men Enter Bar and Demand Money. But One Patron Hands Them Something That Leaves Two Running Off and Two Dead.

Oct. 5, 2014 7:06pm Dave Urbanski “Four men entered EJ’s Place in Houston around closing 2:30 a.m. Saturday — but they weren’t paying customers. The were armed and demanded money from the folks inside the bar. But one customer decided to give these crooks something different. The patron pulled out his own gun and began […]

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