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Current background checks stop very few firearm purchases.

Percentage of denials hits low under Obama. Federal background checks are denying gun purchasers under President Obama at about half the rate they did under President Clinton and also at a slower clip than during President George W. Bush’s administration, according to data obtained by The Washington Times under the Freedom of Information Act. The […]

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Should CT Police Confiscate Guns If Ordered To Do So? A Law Enforcement Perspective.

Sgt. Patrick Hayes writes: There has been talk that the only way Connecticut can enforce their new gun laws is by confiscation. Of course the State is saying they don’t intend to do that – just like all the anti-gun folks always say “Nobody is after your guns.” Should the Police enforce these laws? The […]

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Ares Armor Update: The Skinny on EP Armory Polymer 80% Lower Receivers.

At the moment, we still have no idea what exactly the ATF is investigating Ares Armor for. Speculation is rampant, and the two main competing theories are that it either has something to do with the EP Armory polymer 80% lower receivers, or a suspicion that Ares Armor is “helping” people manufacture complete firearms without […]

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NY Officials Are Demanding They Register Their Guns – Here’s What They Did With the Registration Forms.

Gun rights advocates in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., reportedly burned nearly one thousand gun registration forms to ashes in a clear act of civil disobedience. Under the hastily-passed SAFE Act, Gun owners have until April 15 to register their so-called semi-automatic rifles that fall under the state’s own definition of “military-style assault weapons.” The forms they […]

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On March 12th Lisa Atkins of Junction City, Oregon, did something “no trespassing signs, security system, [or] dogs” could do: she stopped a burglar by pulling a handgun and pinning him down until police arrived to take him away.   According to Eugene’s KEZI 9 News, Atkins heard a commotion about 9 a.m. Wednesday morning. […]

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Conceal Carry Permits Surge in California.

There has been a surge of people ready to get their hands on a conceal and carry permit after a Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling last month that relaxed the California’s laws on the issue. Sacramento County alone has 7,000 people on the waiting list. Typically, San Joaquin County has 20 appointments per […]

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Oceanside: Gun store owner files injuction halting ATF raid.

OCEANSIDE, Calif. – The owner of an Oceanside store that sells various gun parts to build a rifle from scratch refused to turn over his customer list when he was raided by federal agents Wednesday. Dimitrios Karras, owner of Ares Armor, said the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents were investigating their business, […]

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Law enforcement realizes good people with guns deter crime.

When President Obama makes a pitch for more gun-control laws, he likes to have a phalanx of blue-uniformed police officers behind him. These press conferences are supposed to convince us that law enforcement believes more restrictions on Second Amendment rights makes society safer. But Mr. Obama’s visual is a deception, because only a few liberal, […]

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