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FBI: More People Killed with Fists & Hammers Than with Rifles & Shotguns.

Washington DC – -( On January 3, 2013, Breitbart reported on the newest FBI crime statistics then available (2011) showing that more people are killed with hammers and clubs each year than are killed with rifles. [ Yet there are no calls to ban hammers..? ] With newer crime statistics now out for 2012, we […]

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The History Of Magazines Holding 11 Or More Rounds: A Response To California’s magazine ban.

Sunnyvale, California, has a ban on possessing magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, with no clause for being grandfathered in. The State of California has banned the sale, import and transfer of magazines with a capacity to hold more than 10 rounds, and in the case of the City of Sunnyvale, there’s a ban […]

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VICTORY: House Votes to Defund Eric Holder’s Anti-Gun Program.

The Second Amendment right to bear arms is one of the most critical rights guaranteed in the Constitution, as it enables citizens to protect themselves from an oppressive government. This is why the federal government tries so hard to pass strict gun control laws to make it difficult, almost impossible, in some places to own […]

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Reality Check: Guns Sales Up, Crimes Committed With Guns Down.

Earlier this week, Michael Bloomberg’s new anti-gun Everytown released a bogus report claiming since Newtown in December 2013, 74 school shootings have taken place. The report was so bogus, even CNN went out of the way, twice, to correct the record. More from Ed Morrissey: For the second time in two days, CNN went out […]

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Court orders Chicago to pay NRA’s legal fees.

Ha! A federal court is ordering the city of Chicago to pay the National Rifle Association nearly $1 million in legal fees. The NRA had challenged a Chicago law banning gun sales within the city limits that a federal court ruled unconstitutional in January. Read more… Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram or […]

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Murder rate drops as concealed carry permits rise, study shows.

Published July 09, 2014 A dramatic spike in the number of Americans with permits to carry concealed weapons coincides with an equally stark drop in violent crime, according to a new study, which Second Amendment advocates say makes the case that more guns can mean safer streets. The study by the Crime Prevention Research […]

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When a Gunman Started Shooting at People Leaving a Party, a Military Member With a Concealed Carry Permit Sprang Into Action.

The Fourth of July ended in fireworks for many Americans, but for one group of Chicago partygoers, the night ended with something else: a firefight. Two side-by-side parties provided the scene of the Friday confrontation, the Chicago Tribune reported. A group of four people, including one military member, was leaving one party when one of […]

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Target releases a statement on guns that Second Amendment supporters may not like.

Retail giant Target announced Wednesday that it is asking people not to bring firearms into its stores, even when those stores are located in towns that allow “open carry.” “Our approach has always been to follow local laws, and of course, we will continue to do so,” interim Target CEO John Mulligan said. “But starting […]

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This Family-Run Restaurant Is the Opposite of a Gun-Free Zone – Wait Until You Read the Sign That’s Posted.

Would you complain about your meal if the waitress serving the food was packing heat? That’s exactly what you’ll find at Shooters Grill, the aptly named restaurant located in the town of Rifle, Colorado. The family-run, American-style diner features wait staff who exercise their open-carry rights and invites customers to do the same. Owner Lauren […]

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Gun makers flee Northeast for ‘true blood Second Amendment’ states.

By Cheryl K. Chumley The Washington Times Tuesday, July 1, 2014 Gun manufacturers are leaving the Northeast in droves, seeking out new production homes in the comparatively low-tax, Second Amendment-friendly South — and at a time when firearms sales have skyrocketed, industry data showed. “Everybody who is looking to expand in new factory space is […]

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