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After Making a Big Campaign Promise to Gun Owners, Texas’ New Governor-Elect Just Made It Clear He Intends to Keep It.

Nov. 5, 2014 Jason Howerton “Texas appears to be in line to become the newest open carry state. On Wednesday, the Lone Star State’s new governor-elect Greg Abbott reiterated his campaign promise to support the open carry of firearms in his state. “If an Open Carry bill is passed by the House and Senate, I […]

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Worried for Her Kids’ Safety, Armed Single Mom Tries to Fire Her Gun — but Something Entirely Unexpected Happens Instead.

Nov. 3, 2014 Jason Howerton -What would you do in a “life and death” situation when your handgun jams? If you have no formalized training then to do what this woman did, which is pray for a miracle. This is a pathetic story. I encourage everyone to enroll in a quality firearms course, and I […]

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Support For New Gun Control Laws Plummets, Especially Among Women.

Katie Pavlich | Oct 31, 2014 “Since the 2012 Newtown school shooting, major anti-gun groups like Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action (both funded by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg) have been pushing for more legal requirements during gun sales, better known as “universal background checks.” But a new survey from […]

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Support of Gun Control Laws Could Lose Three Governorships For Democrats Tuesday.

Posted by Bob Owens on November 3, 2014 “Two Democrat governors who rammed through onerous gun control legislation last year and a Lt. Governor with a penchant for calling normal gun owners “extremists” may find gun owners in their states having the last laugh tomorrow at the polls. Governors John Hickenlooper of Colorado and Dannel […]

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Get to the polls on Tuesday!

We can’t stress enough just how important it is for Second Amendment supporters to get to the polls on Tuesday. And it’s not just about getting to the polls — it’s about getting to the polls to vote pro-gun! You may have seen the “polls” in the news the last few days predicting the demise […]

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Why do you need firearms training? Yes, I’m talking to you!

The Key to Securing your Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The vast majority of Americans, be they gun-owners or not, are unconsciously incompetent about firearms. That is, they don’t know what they don’t know. The perceptions that the average non-gun-owner has about firearms are largely driven by what they see in media, or by […]

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Guns Were Banned at the North Carolina State Fair. What Happened Next Is Painfully Ironic.

Oct. 29, 2014 Zach Noble “Here’s a story that supports the old saying, “When you criminalize guns, only criminals will have guns.” Two people leaving the North Carolina State Fair on Saturday were robbed at gunpoint, after a legal battle had enabled the the fair to be declared a “gun-free” zone, WATE-TV reported. It would […]

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One final reminder: local firearms training opportunity, outdoors! (San Diego County)

Time is running out to enroll. Friends, I try never to pass up an opportunity to train. Or an opportunity to practice. I am always a student of the gun. Whether I am learning some new skills, or re-learning and reinforcing fundamentals that I may have forgotten. Or just practicing known skills to get better […]

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Crazy Gun Control Fantasies in California.

October 22, 2014 By Rob Morse In California, we recently passed a law that lets a doctor take away your guns. A mental health professional can ask a judge for a firearms restraining order. So can a cop or a family member. They get to take away your means of self-defense; every gun, bullet and […]

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ISIS has made it into the US! Through our Mexican border.

Oct. 8, 2014 9:26am Pete Kasperowicz Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border! “Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) said Tuesday night that U.S. border officials have caught “at least 10″ Islamic State fighters or people with ties to the group as they tried to enter the U.S. […]

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