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Your favorite San Diego gun store is moving!

Your favorite gun store is moving! But don’t worry, it’s not far away. They will only be 1 minute East from where they were. Their new address is: 7190 Miramar Road, San Diego, CA 92121 They are moving to a much bigger location to finally get more products in our store. If you have ever […]

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San Diego County Gun Owners in New Video: Don’t Elect Kristin Gaspar June 7th!

San Diego County Gun Owners in New Video: Don’t Elect Kristin Gaspar June 7th! San Diego – San Diego County Gun Owners PAC (SDCGO) has launched its first political video just in time for absentee voters and the message is clear: Don’t vote for Kristine Gaspar for County Board of Supervisors. “Mayor Gaspar supported and […]

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2nd Amendment Activist Training Class

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” – Edmund Burke 1729-1797

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Your favorite gun store is moving!

Your favorite gun store is moving! But don’t worry, it’s not far away.  They will only be 1 minute East from where they were. Their new address is: 7190 Miramar Road, San Diego, CA 92121 On Memorial Day weekend they will be closing Saturday and re-opening on Tuesday in their new location. They are moving […]

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Meet the ‘Ultimate Badass’ Facebook Engineer Reportedly Helping Banned Gun Groups Behind the Scenes Amid New Firearms Policy

“From an outsider’s perspective, Chuck Rossi seems to be something of a rebel at Facebook. He’s the social media behemoth’s director of engineering — but he’s also become known as the company’s so-called “gun guy,” according to Forbes. Following Facebook’s gun sale ban, many gun groups have been shut down for violating the policy. Rossi, […]

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Report: The Gun Industry Has Ballooned Under Obama, Added More than 100,000 Gun-Related Jobs During His Presidency

“The gun industry has boomed under President Barack Obama, according to a new study from the National Shooting Sports Foundation, resulting in a significant increase of gun-related jobs throughout the Untied States. The number of full-time jobs in the gun industry has ballooned from approximately 166,000 in 2008 to nearly 288,000 in 2016, according to the […]

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Firearms Are Displayed Recovered From Recent Police Operations

Gun, Ammo Imports Surge

“The number of handguns imported into the U.S. had a major jump for the month of February, according to a report on firearm imports by the National Shooting Sports Foundation released this week. Compared to last year, handgun imports increased by 66 percent, jumping from 140,045 to 232,406, according to the report. Other firearm categories […]

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2nd Amendment Dinner on the USS Midway!

Dinner on the USS Midway. Oh yeah! Thursday April 21st. 6:30pm On the USS Midway. You ABSOLUTELY can not complain about: -10 round magazines -limited handgun roster -AR15 bullet buttons -lack of concealed weapons permits if you are not in the fight! Most of you joined us last year for our 2nd Amendment fundraising dinner, […]

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Annual Four Day Handgun Course, $250

3rd Annual Charity Handgun Course. At Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, Nevada. April 1st. This is a 4 day course, or you can enroll for just two days. Most of us will be taking the Handgun Course but you also have the option to take the Rifle Course if you choose. Every gun owner “thinks” […]

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firearms confiscated by law enforcement in San Diego County?

:::Attention::: San Diego County Gun Owners PAC is looking for anyone who has had their firearm confiscated by law enforcement for not having any identifying marks. We are hearing that the San Diego County Sheriff is confiscating firearms that do not have serial numbers. These are firearms that were presumably manufactured by their owner so […]

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