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Iowa Homeowner Shoots Knife-Wielding Intruder 3 Times After Being Stabbed in the Neck.

Both the homeowner and the intruder are in serious medical condition after the intruder tried to force his way into an Iowa home early Monday morning. The intruder was carrying a knife and chose his target at random to carry out his attack on the homeowner. According to media reports, the homeowner heard a knock […]

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The Revolutionary New Piece of Gun Technology That Some Are Calling ‘Scary’ and Others Are Praising as Sweet.

A new Google Glass app currently in its testing phase is arguably one of the coolest gun accessories in decades. The app is called ShotView, and it will apparently give users the ability to shoot accurately around corners, from unsupported positions, behind the back and over barricades when paired with the right firearm. The potential […]

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The History Of Magazines Holding 11 Or More Rounds: A Response To California’s magazine ban.

The State of California has banned the sale, import and transfer of magazines with a capacity to hold more than 10 rounds, and in the case of the City of Sunnyvale, there’s a ban on even possessing them. The case, Fyock v. Sunnyvale, is currently being challenged in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the […]

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ATF Confirms Firing an AR-15 Pistol From the Shoulder Using SIG’s Brace is A-OK.

SIG SAUER are the guys who make the now infamous pistol arm brace for AR-15 pistols that looks remarkably like a stock. And works kinda like a stock. A really, really crappy stock. Anyway, there has been much chatter on the internet about whether the ATF will get their knickers in a twist about people […]

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Amazing Photos: See What Bullets Do to Water Droplets, Light Bulbs.

What happens when a 56-year-old engineer becomes a high-speed photographer? This. Photographer captures the moment a bullet rips through a droplet of water. (Image courtesy of Lex Augusteijn) Dutch photographer Lex Augusteijn told TheBlaze he loves to make art and engineering meet. “That reveals scenes which cannot be captured by the naked eye and require […]

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<<enter caption here>> on April 8, 2013 in West Hartford, Connecticut.

New Study: Majority of Young People Reject Gun Control.

A new Pew Study has discovered that despite President Obama’s repeated claim that 90+% of Americans want increased gun control, the majority of millennials oppose further gun control measures. The study reveals that millennials, those born between 1981 and 1996, largely reject the call for increased gun control 50-48 percent. While the margin may be […]

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Today’s gun buyers aren’t who they used to be — welcome aboard women and city folk!

The stereotypical gun owner in America is evolving. From the rancher in Texas who sleeps with a rifle next to his bed to the Democratic female business executive in Washington, D.C. who wants to feel protected while walking home from the bus stop, the last year of gun purchases shows a new demographic of Second […]

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A Run On Ammunition Has Begun: “Russia Has Reportedly Halted All Exports To The US Of Russian Made Ammunition”.

In recent months ammunition has slowly begun appearing on store shelves at major retailers in the United States. But after nearly two years of shortages that had ammunition manufacturers running their factories 24 hours a day, 7 days a week because of consumer demand and massive government purchases, it appears that another supply pipeline may […]

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Think the ammo market is about to get better? Think again.

I just had an email exchange with an executive in the ammunition industry. It started out as a conversation on the rumors of the Russians stopping ammunition exports that we discussed yesterday, and then turned to discuss the market for 2014 and 2015. Here are excerpts from that conversation he is allowing me to publish. […]

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