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‘American Sniper’ smashes box office records!

Published January 18, 2015 Variety ““American Sniper” hit the bullseye, earning an astonishing $90.2 million in its debut weekend. It is now on pace to decimate records for the Martin Luther King holiday and for the month of January, pulling in roughly $105 million over the four-day period. It’s also a new high-water mark for […]

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Chris Was the American Sniper.

A TEXAS GOODBYE This is why America will remain strong. We take care of our own as well as others who may not deserve taking care of. I just wanted to share with you all that out of a horrible tragedy we were blessed by so many people. Chris Kyle was Derek’s teammate through 10 […]

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NRA Basic Pistol Course: San Diego County

NRA Basic Pistol Course – $150 No Experience Necessary Couples & Groups Welcome January 24th, 2015 9am-6pm San Diego Firearms Training Center 12150 Flint Place, Poway, CA 92064 Learn to shoot and master your skills! New and seasoned shooters alike will benefit from this comprehensive, hands-on, all-inclusive learning experience. With an emphasis on safe gun […]

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2nd Annual Charity Handgun Course. Join us!

“2nd Annual Sheila Hamed Charity Handgun Course” April 10-13, 2015 (Friday-Monday). At Front Sight Firearms Training Institute in Nevada. An annual event. This is a 4 day defensive handgun course. Or a 2 day course if you choose. In addition to enrolling in the course, everyone will donate $50 that will go to the national […]

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BREAKING: 40,000 gun owners and growing…

I am excited to announce that this news site “” hit the milestone of 40,000 followers this morning!!! Amazing! I’m not talking about 40,000 web hits, I get about twice that every day. I’m talking about 40,000 individual gun owners that are following us. I got up this morning and the count was 40,057. Wow! […]

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What is 2015?

What is 2015? 2015 is the year we increase our game! It is the year we train. It is the year non-gun owners buy their first firearm. It is the year non-shooters learn how to shoot for the first time. It is the year we really develop our proficiency with our firearms. It is the […]

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Can You ‘Saber’ a Bottle of Champagne With a Gun?

Dec. 30, 2014 Mike Opelka “New Year’s Eve is fast approaching, which could mean an evening of stubborn Champagne corks unless you know what you’re doing. There is of course the spectacular display of “sabering” — slicing off the top of the bottle with a sword. It’s an impressive task, but for sharpshooter Kirsten Joy […]

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Say No to Trigger Trash!

News.Bytes Extra, Issue 655 “If you drive north out of the Inland Empire into the High Desert of southern California between Victorville and Barstow, you may not notice that an unintentional dumping ground is being created. Just off either side of the interstate are areas of state, federal and private land where one can find […]

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Photographer Thought Hunters Were ‘Barbaric, Blood Thirsty, Gun Lovers’…Then She Moved Away From California and Started Taking Pictures Like This.

Dec. 10, 2014 Jonathon M. Seidl “Hillary Maybery is a photographer and self-professed “California girl.” Her time in the Golden State left her thinking hunters were “barbaric, blood thirsty, gun lovers.” That was before she moved to Idaho where hunting is engrained in the culture. There she began understanding “hunting has nothing to do with […]

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Why Do Americans Love Guns?

By Leonard Benton “It seems that the world and people in America want to know the answer to a question that is at the fundamental core of American culture. Why do Americans love guns? There is constant talk due to high profile cases like Sandy Hook, Aurora, and Columbine when someone goes off the beam […]

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